Grace Community Bible Church


Women of Grace partners with Word of Joy Ministries led by Jennifer Speer to bring the ladies additional Bible studies and ministry opportunities.
For more information, check out Word Of Joy's website.

WOG Bible Study

Prayer is a gift - an invitation to talk with God. But, prayer can also be a challenge. Do you have trouble thinking of words to say, or reach the end of a day only to realize that you haven't prayed at all? You're not alone. Thankfully in God's Word, we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray. In this study, we will look deeply at six prayers in the Bible that can help inspire your own. You'll find that when you pray, your faith is strengthened and your heart is united to Jesus.

Widows Ministry (Seasoned Sisters & Beautifully Broken Sisters)

Seasoned Sisters is for those who are widows and want be a part of a community going through the same grief and living life in community with other widows.  Beautifully Broken Sisters is not just for widows but also for any woman in brokenness, divorce, loss of a child, has an adult child that no longer speaks to the mother, etc.

WOG Bible Study

The book for this next study is called, "Choosing Gratitude/Your Journey to Joy", by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. Purchases can be made through Amazon or Revive Our Hearts. As always, we will use our Bibles to see how God teaches us to apply being grateful in our circumstances. We will worship together, pray for each other, and share in fellowship. In addition, we will also add into our schedule some lunches out and fun field trips together. The "Gratitude" study will continue until early May.

If you want to be inspired for this study on gratitude, watch this youtube video on the "new" life journey of David and Ciara Dierking. Keep your tissues handy.

Join a Women's Group

A Gospel Community is a group of people who live and experience life together in response to the Gospel by loving, challenging, and building one another up into the image of Christ while intentionally seeking the lost.

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Youth Ministry
Women of Grace
Men of Grace

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